Book cover of This Time Tomorrow by Emma Straub

Book Review: This Time Tomorrow by Emma Straub

This was a book I honestly almost quit 100 pages in. I am not ashamed to stop reading books I don’t like; I never force myself to finish something I don’t want to. But I had heard good things about this one and I really wanted to stick it out and figure out why people liked it so much. Read on for my short review of This Time Tomorrow by Emma Straub.


Alice spends her 40th birthday visiting her dying father in the hospital, working the same job she’s been at for years, meeting her best friend for a brief dinner, and then getting drunk and stumbling home into her gatehouse. When she wakes up the next morning, she finds herself in her 16 year old body again. She quickly learns she is reliving her 16th birthday. That day makes her realize how much she loves her father. She wishes she could change his future. After reliving that one day, she’s back to her 40 year old self again. She learns that the things she does differently on that 16th birthday drastically change her future. But the one thing that doesn’t change, unfortunately, is her father’s failing health. She continues to go back and forth between the future and her 16th birthday, trying everything she can to change his fate, and learning more about herself each time she does.


This Time Tomorrow has a really slow start, and it’s just a pretty slow book overall in my opinion. But once I understood that the point was, I was able to just enjoy it. It didn’t really have any plot twists or shocking reveals. I wouldn’t call it a page turner or something I ‘couldn’t put down.’ It just felt like a good book about a father daughter relationship.

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