Book Review: Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin

This was high on my list of books to read in 2023. Keep reading for my review of Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin.


Sadie and Sam become instant friends in their childhood, connected by their mutual love for video games. After a falling out, Sadie and Sam don’t cross paths again until college. This time they’re not only playing the video games, but creating them together. Through the ups and downs of their friendship, and through personal tragedies and shared traumas, the video games are the common factor that keep them coming back to each other.


Have you ever read a book and afterwards went back and forth about whether you even liked it or not? I hadn’t, until this one.

Let me start with all the things I liked:

I loved that this was a friendship love story. Not a friends to lovers, but just a story about the love between friends across a lifetime. That was unique and refreshing.

I loved the writing. One word I would use to describe this book is quirky. but in a good way. It’s different, but it’s interesting and really masterfully put together.

I loved the section called NPC. I don’t usually like reading sad things and I don’t want to spoil the book, but if you’ve read this section, you know it is tragic. But it is SO beautifully and uniquely written. This section alone is five stars for me. The way it was written made it feel more like an experience than just words on a page. I would definitely go back and read this section again.

Things I didn’t love:

One word: Dov. Just… everything about Dov. Every book has unlikable characters, and I get that. It’s necessary. But what was frustrating was that he was a bad dude who had no repercussions. No accountability. just a predatory, sexual assaulting creep and la dee da everyone just moves on. and stays friends with him! I was just mad he never got called out for his bs.

Sam and Sadie’s problems could have basically been solved if they would have just communicated. I know this is a common trope in romance novels. Some miscommunication happens and the relationship suffers. But this was so extreme. They went years being so mad (mostly Sadie was mad let’s be honest) and not talking to each other. Because Sadie wouldn’t tell Sam what was bugging her, and Sam wouldn’t say I love you to Sadie. It was just frustrating

The Pioneers section of the book. I honestly skimmed this section. It was longer than it needed to be in my opinion. It was a little confusing at first too.

There’s no question this book gave me A LOT to think about, and I just had so much to say about it after finishing. Most people love this book, so I think it is definitely worth the read because chances are you will like it. At the very least, it will leave you with a lot to think about. Also, you do not need to have any interest in/knowledge of video games to follow this book. I have zero experience with video games but it didn’t affect my understanding of the storyline.

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