I saw this movie years ago and I immediately knew I wanted to read the book, but it took me awhile to get around to it. I’m so glad I finally read this YA Novel, and even though it’s not my preferred genre, I really enjoyed it. Keep reading for my book review of Wonder by RJ Palacio.

August (Auggie) Pullman is going to start going to school for the first time, instead of being homeschooled by his mom. Auggie was born with a facial abnormality that makes him look very different from other kids. For this reason, Auggie is dreading going to school. He knows how cruel kids can be because he looks different. He’s experienced the stares and rude comments for as long as he can remember. This story takes us through the highs and lows of his first year at Beacher Prep.
This book is told from multiple perspectives, which I thought was a great way to tell the story. The whole book was both heartbreaking and inspiring. This is the type of story where you can put yourself in someone else’s shoes and gain a deeper understanding for what life is like for people struggling with different challenges than you. Reading this made me want to watch the movie again!
There was one thing about the book I kept thinking about. I couldn’t believe how cruel so many people were to him. Just blatantly cruel. I understand he’s in junior high and kids can be mean at that age, but it’s still hard to imagine virtually the entire grade avoiding him and pretending he had the plague. This in addition to some of the parents talking bad about him behind his back as well. I know there are bullies everywhere. I just felt like maybe it was a lot to assume that almost every kid he met was a bully.
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